Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Peace of Christ to all!
We regret to inform you the passing of our dear chaplain, Fr Mario Dorado, O.F.M. cap at Mercy Hospice (Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand) at 5:05am, on the 14th March 2023.
We are requesting our various Filipino Faith and Devotional Communities outside of St Benedict’s to reconsider their plans for the months ahead. Requesting for a Filipino priest will be limited, as most of our Filipino priests in our Diocese of Auckland are committed to their assigned parishes and communities.
However, the Filipino priests around the greater Auckland area have committed to continue supplying the regular Filipino Sunday Masses at St Benedict’s Parish, Newton, until a new chaplain is appointed by the bishop.
With this unfortunate development, other Filipino Masses in Papakura, Papatoetoe, Panmure, Takapuna, Beach Haven, and Henderson will have to attend your parish masses if you cannot attend the Sunday Filipino Mass at St Benedict. For devotional groups, please be guided by these suggestions and recommendations:
Have a non-Filipino Priest to celebrate your Fiesta and Novena & Triduum Masses.
Having your Fiesta celebrations without a novena or triduum, meaning, the feast day will have to be commemorated on the closest Sunday and will be celebrated at St Benedict’s Parish weekly 11:30am Filipino Mass.
Have the novena prayers in the church without mass.
Have your novena prayers done online, such as using Zoom.
If your group is considering using ZOOM, the ACFC can provide a ZOOM meeting link to anyone who needs it as long as the meetings and events are related to your devotion and way of life. Please email the social media team of ACFC at
We look forward to your kind understanding and greatly appreciate your full cooperation during these difficult times. We hope and pray that everything will return to normal as soon as possible and by God’s grace.
Thank you, and God bless us all,
ACFC Leadership Team
In coordination with,
Fr Sherwin Lapaan
Filipino Priests’ Liaison
Eternal Rest, grant unto Mario Dorado, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him. May he Rest In Peace. AMEN
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Noted below, with letter headed version for circulation