Good day Brothers and Sisters!
Please refer below for the Agenda and Reminder for the upcoming ACFC AGM 2024. This was sent out as an email to all group representatives and coordinators of working committees.
God Bless!
File Attached:
From: ACFC Office Secretary <>
To and Cc'ed: To all group representatives and Pastoral Council Members
Sent: Wednesday, 14 February 2024 10:04 am
Subject: ACFC AGM Agenda_17 Feb 2024 at St Benedict's Crypt, 1:30pm
Hello all dear brothers and sisters in Christ! Hope you are all well and enjoying this hearts day!
Just to remind you all of our AGM this Saturday already, 17 Feb at St Benedict's crypt starting at 1:30pm. Please see attached meeting agenda.
We would like to request you to all be on time please so we can start and finish on time.
Requesting the individual groups who would report on the day to please JUST report the KEY information that you wish to share with ACFC re your respective groups' plans and activities. Thank you!
If you have received this agenda and wish to share it with your group's representative for the meeting, please feel free to do so or ask them to email to be included in our mailing list.
If you have not registered yet for this AGM or you know anyone who is not in this list yet and is representing a group and you know wants to attend the meeting please just share the information to them too.
Thank you and see you all then.
God bless you all on this Ash Wednesday!
Kind regards,
Kookie G Samin
Secretary I ACFC
Auckland Catholic Filipino Chaplaincy
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